Dental Injury First Aid Tips

Towson, MD Dentist

Cut or Bitten Lip, Cheek or Tongue

If possible, apply ice to the injured area to control swelling. If there is bleeding, apply firm but gentle pressure with a cloth. If the bleeding is uncontrollable, contact Drs. Ousborne & Keller immediately. (410) 828-1177


Use dental floss to dislodge any food that may be impacted. Clean the area thoroughly by rinsing with warm water. If pain persists and/or you are experiencing sensitivity to hot/cold/sweets or pressure, and/or if swelling is present, contact Drs. Ousborne & Keller immediately (410) 828-1177. Do not place an aspirin on the gum tissue or aching tooth.

Chipped or Fractured (Broken Tooth)

Quick action can help to prevent infection and save the tooth, possibly reducing the need for more extensive dental treatments. Rinse with water and apply cold compresses to reduce swelling. If the tooth is broken in half, locate and save any broken tooth fragments and stabilize the remaining portion of tooth by gently biting on a towel or handkerchief to control bleeding. Should extreme pain occur, limit contact with other teeth, air or tongue. Pulp nerve may be exposed, which can be extremely painful. Contact Drs. Ousborne & Keller immediately. (410) 828-1177.

Luxation (Displaced/Tooth-still in socket, but wrong position)

Extruded Tooth – Upper tooth hangs downs and/or lower tooth rises up-appears longer

  1. Reposition the tooth in the socket using firm finger pressure
  2. If possible, stabilize the tooth by gently biting on a towel or handkerchief.
  3. Contact Drs. Ousborne & Keller immediately. (410) 828-1177

Lateral Displacement – Tooth pushed back or pulled forward.

  1. Try to reposition the tooth using finger pressure.
  2. If possible, stabilize the tooth by gently biting on a towel or handkerchief.
  3. Contact Drs. Ousborne & Keller immediately. (410) 828-1177

Intruded Tooth – Tooth pushed into gum – appears shorter

  1. Do nothing – avoid any repositioning of tooth.
  2. Contact Drs. Ousborne & Keller immediately. (410) 828-1177

Avulsion (Entire Tooth Knocked Out)

If possible, locate the tooth and reimplant into the tooth socket:

  1. Handle it by the crown, not by the root. Avoid additional trauma to tooth while handling. If debris is on the tooth, gently rinse with water. Do not brush or scrub the tooth or handle it unnecessarily. Do not sterilize the tooth with soap or alcohol.
  2. If possible, try to reinsert (reimplant) the tooth into the tooth socket. Stabilize the tooth by biting down gently on a towel or handkerchief.
  3. Contact Drs. Ousborne & Keller immediately. (410) 828-1177

If unable to reimplant the tooth into the tooth socket:

  1. Transport the tooth in a cup containing milk or the patient’s saliva. If the patient is old enough and conscious, the tooth may be transported in the patient’s mouth (between the cheek and gum).
  2. Time is critical. Teeth knocked out and reimplanted within one hour have the highest degree of success.
  3. Contact Drs. Ousborne & Keller immediately. (410) 828-1177

If unable to locate the tooth, contact Drs.Ousborne & Keller immediately. (410) 828-1177