Infection Control
Dentist in Towson
The dedicated team of dental professionals at Ousborne and Keller , is concerned about patient protection from infection and all diseases prevalent in the world around us. Our infection control system is comparable to those of the nation’s top medical facilities. Each time a patient visits our office, a very special trust is placed in our hands. We do not take this trust lightly. Infection control and universal precautions protect patients and staff alike. Everyone benefits from rigorous infection control — you, your dentist, and the entire dental team. The cornerstone in a good and safe dental practice is this element of trust. You should feel free to discuss this topic of infection control with any of our staff and receive a straightforward answer.
The doctors of Ousborne & Keller and our entire team continually and consistently exceed procedures recommended by several federal agencies: the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
These measures include:
- Antimicrobial hand soap or alcohol hand sanitizer
- Gloves, face masks, protective eyewear and protective clothing
- Chemical disinfections of all countertops and operatory surfaces
- Decontamination and sterilization of all equipment before every use
- Disposable materials-barrier protection, suction tips, air/water syringes, prophy cups and burs
- Periodic testing of all dental unit water supply and supply lines, as well as appropriate flushing of the lines and use of chemical germicides as necessary
We sterilize all reusable equipment, including dental hand pieces. An autoclave , a device that kills bacteria, viruses and HIV by steam, heat and pressure is utilized for this procedure. The autoclave is tested monthly for efficiency and all equipment is sterilized in sealed packages, which remain sealed until ready for use.
We have a written infection control protocol which includes guidelines for annual compliance training for all employees, maintenance records for all equipment and M.S.D.S (Material Safety Data Sheets) for all materials.
The best defense against disease is education. The more you understand, the better prepared you are to make wise decisions about your health care. The more you know about our daily procedures and policies, the more comfortable you will feel when visiting Ousborne and Keller.